Sustainable Packaging




We’re proud partners of The Magical Mushroom Company, who supply 100% biodegradable boxes for our Introductory, Small and Medium hampers. Unlike traditional wicker hampers that typically carry a heavy carbon footprint, mycelium boxes have a sustainable lifecycle.

Mycelium, the material structure of fungi, is grown and then combined with agricultural waste like hemp, cork and sawdust to create protective packaging with low environmental impact.  

Our boxes are designed to be composted, or planted in the ground after use, and come with a sachet of wildflower seeds that can be sown with the box for a beautiful, climate positive outcome.

Learn more about mycelium



Packed with Purpose

Our large hampers are made from reclaimed-wood and produced in England by New Life Wood, a community support program for the unemployed,  ex-offenders, and those suffering with mental health issues. Thackray Brown boxes are part of their circular business model that recycles lumber, reduces landfill, and in turn helps restore lives. 

As a small not-for-profit initiative, New Life Wood have a limited production capacity,  which means on rare occasions there may be a waiting list for Large hamper orders. We hope you agree it’s worth the wait.

Learn more about New Life Wood